enchanting bhutan

Nature of program:
Cultural Tour: Complete crossing from west to east visiting all the im-portant places, Monastries, lhakhangs, and very important historical places.

Tashigang Tshechu:
The monks perform ceremonial ablution or thrue before the tshechu begins. 1st day is rehearsal in preparation and on the 2nd day the tshechu is being performed. On the Third day the Throngdrel (big Thanka ) of Neten Chudrug (sixteen Arharts ) is unfurled amidst of flurry of mask dance. On the final day, the old Throngdrel of Guru Tshengay is displayed ( A big Thanka of eight Manifestation of Guru Rimpoche ) with the performance of Guru Tshengay cham or dance.

Mongar Tshechu:
Mongar Tshechu is the most exciting annual festival held for 3 days, beside many local festivals. It is held inside the Dzong and the locals from Tashi-yangtse. Lhuntse and trashing attend the festival.

Total time: 18 Nights and 19 Days.
Accommodation: Hotel / Local Home
Dates: 06th November 2015 till 24th November 2015

Day 1: ( 6th November;2015) Paro; 2280M
Day 2 (7th November;2015): Paro
Day 3 (8th November;2015) : Thimphu ( 2320 M)
Day 4 (9th November;2015); Thimphu
Day 5 (10th November;2015) Thimphu
Day 6 (11th November;2015) Thimphu to Punakha ( 1250m)
Day 7 (12th November;2015) Punakha sightseeing.
Day 8 (13th November;2015) Drive to Phobjikha (2900 m)
Day 9 (14th November;2015);Sightseeing in Phobjikha and drive to Trongsa ( 2180 m)
Day 10 (15th November;2015 ) Sightseeing in Trongsa and drive to Bumthang ( 2580 m ).
Day 11(16th November;2015); Bumthang; Jambay Lhakhang Drub
Day 12 ( 17th November ;2015); Bumthang
Day 13 ( 18th November;2015);Bumthang to Mongar (1800 m)
Day 14 ( 19th November;2015); Mongar Tshechu ( Festival )
Day 15 ( 20th November;2015) Mongar to Tashigang (2100 m),
Day 16 ( 21st November;2015); Trashigang Tshechu.
Day 17 ( 22nd November;2015) Trashigang Tshechu
Day 18 ( 23rd November;2015) Trashigang to SamdrupJongkhar
Day 19 ( 24th November;2015) SamdrupJongkhar to Guwahati
Day 1: ( 6th November;2015) Paro; 2280M
We will arrive at Paro via Druk Air / Bhutan Airlines.
We will receive you in the airport by offering Trashi Khadhar and drive you to the hotel for the refreshment and for the night.

Day 2 (7th November;2015): Paro
After early Breakfast, we will drive 15 Km towards the north to reach the base of Taktsang Monastry. We will have to hike 2-3 hours to reach the clinging Monastery in the cliff. This Monastery is the Jewel of Bhutan and one must visit this. This is an important place of pilgrimage. According to legend Padmasambhava arrived here on the back of a tigress and meditated there. After going down we will visit the ruins of Drugyel Dzong, Kitchu Lhakhang, Paro Rimpung Dzong and The museum.
We will also look around the town and visit the temples in the town. You will enjoy the beauty of the green park village.

Day 3 (8th November;2015) : Thimphu ( 2320 M)
After breakfast we will drive to the south of Paro. When we reach Bonday we will visit Tshenden Incense factory, Drak Karpo and as we move further we will cross the Paro river over an iron chain bridge to enter Tamchu Lhakhang. You will come to know about Thangtong Gyalpo when you enter the Lhakhang. As we drive further we will come to the confluence of Paro river and Thimphu river at Chhu zomsa which means meeting of the rivers. It is also the junction of the four important Dzongkhags i.e Phuntsholing, Haa, Thimphu and Paro. We will find the three chorten of Bhutan, Nepal and Tibetan to wave away the evil spells of that area. We will be welcomed by the members of Phuntsho Pelri Hotel or similar.

Day 4 (9th November;2015); Thimphu

After breakfast we will visit Memorial chorten which was built in the memory of 3rd King, Kuensel Phodrang where tallest sitting Buddha of the world is. We will drive to visit Changangkha Lhakhang, Motithang Takin Preservation area and hike to Wangdue tse Monastry where we will know the secret of our 4th Kings palace and view Dodedra Monastery from far. Then we will visit Zulukha Nunnery Center where nuns reside to learn Dharme, Dechen Phodrang Monastry where more then 300 small monks re-side to learn buddhism, Trashi Chhodzong which is the summer residence of the central Monastic body and half the fortress was used as the office of the golden throne. We will also visit centenary market, Zangdopelri and witness how the National Game (Archery ) is played in the national stadium. The night will be in a hotel in Thimphu.

Day 5 (10th November;2015) Thimphu
A day starts with a drive to Dodena (19 Km from Thimphu) and climb a hill to visit Chhari Monastry. It has all meditators and we are not suppose to en-ter the boundary but we can enter the monastery and the lhakhangs and get blessings. After coming back we will visit, Indigenous hospital where we get the herbal medicine, traditional Painting School, Folk Heritage muse-um,Textile museum and manage time to do some shopping in the town.

Day 6 (11th November;2015) Thimphu to Punakha ( 1250m)
A day starts with a drive to the south of Thimphu where we will be visiting Simtokha Dzong which is the first Dzong built by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel in the 16th century. Then we will drive via Hongtsho to reach Do-chula Pass ( 3140 m ). We will make circumambulation to108 chorten and visit Druk Wangyel Lhakhang. Your Guide will narrate an history of this lhakhang and chortens. We will drive via narrow Thinleygang valley, Mitse-na valley and Lobesa valley. We will stop at Lobesa to visit Chhimi Lhakhang on a hill lock in the centre of the valley. The Lhakhang has a memories of a Devine mad man Lama Drukpa Kuenley which your guide will narrate to you. You will be blessed with children if you pray for it. Then we will continue our drive to reach Punakha where we will be welcomed in a hotel in Punakha.

Day 7 (12th November;2015) Punakha sightseeing.

After breakfast we will drive towards Punakha Dzong. We will walk over a traditional bhutanese bridge to enter the Dzong. It is the winter residence of the monastic body and it has been a capital of Bhutan till 1964. The main relic of Bhutan is stored in this Dzong and you will find many buddhist Lhakhangs inside the Dzong. The Dzong lies in-between the two big rivers ( Pochu river and Mochu river ). We will enjoy the art and the architecture of the Bhutanese.
After Lunch we will drive along side the Mochu river to visit Do jaga lam Lhakhang and hike to visit Khamsum Yuellay Namgyel Lhakhang which was built dedicated to our 5th King to serve the nation and protect the country. Then we will visit the town and the lhakhang in the town.

Day 8 (13th November;2015) Drive to Phobjikha (2900 m)
After breakfast we will drive towards Wangdue along the river bank of Puna Tsang Chu to reach the Bajo Thang Town. Then we will visit the ruins of Wangdue Phodrang Dzong and pass by the Teki Zampa and the Chhuzomsa to reach Phobjikha valley. We will be welcomed by the members of a hotel in Phobjikha.

Day 9 (14th November;2015);Sightseeing in Phobjikha and drive to Trongsa ( 2180 m)

A day starts with visit in the Gangtay Gompa Lhakhang. Then we will visit Wangmo Hand woven carpet factory, black backed crane information centre and we will enjoy the beauty of the village.We will drive to Trongsa via chele la pass ( 3420 m ). We can view Jhomolhari Mountain, Jichu Drakey and Kangbum mountains. We will drive via Chendeji Chortens to reach Trongsa. We will be welcomed by the members of Tashi Ninjay Hotel or sim-ilar.

Day 10 (15th November;2015 ) Sightseeing in Trongsa and drive to Bumthang ( 2580 m ).
Our day starts with the visit to the Trongsa Dzong, The tower of Trongsa Museum, Karma Drubdey Nunnery, Thruepang Palace, Kuenga Rabten Pal-ace. Then we will drive to Bumthang via Yotongla Pass and Chhumey vil-lage. We will be welcomed by the members of River Lodge.

Day 11(16th November;2015); Bumthang; Jambay Lhakhang Drub
We will have a pilgrimage Tour here. We will drive to visit Jakar Dzong, Sey (gold) Lhakhang, Jambay Lhakhang, Kurjey Lhakhang, Tamshing Monas-try,,Thangbi Lhakhang and some historical places where we will find the body prints of Guru Rimpoche and other great saints who were in these places to sub-due the demons and bring religion to these places.

Day 12 ( 17th November ;2015); Bumthang
Drive to Tang village where we will see the Tang Mebar Tsho (Burning Lake). Then we will drive to village which is the remotest one. We will hike 17 km and 45 minutes uphill to reach Ugyen Choling Palace built by once Trongsa Penlop deb Tsokey Dorji.The place has turned to a Museum. It provide a place for reli-gious studies, research and solitude.Then we will hike back to Tang Village where we will be having the night in a local house.

Day 13 ( 18th November;2015);Bumthang to Mongar (1800 m)
Road (198 kms) to Mongar. We leave the valleys of Bumthang and cross the Thumsing La (3900 m), col highest on our way through Bhutan road. Then we plunge again in a climate zone subtropical, with a mixed forest of hardwoods and conifers. Visit Mongar Dzong.

Day 14 ( 19th November;2015); Mongar Tshechu ( Festival )

After breakfast we will drive to the Dzong to attend the 2nd day festival. We will see the culture of get-together of the families, friends and relatives bringing their packed lunch in their best festive dress and the ornaments.
We will also explore on the bhutanese art and architecture inside the dzong.

Day 15 ( 20th November;2015) Mongar to Tashigang (2100 m),

Morning we will enter the Mongar dzong to attend the 3rd day festival. The festival is based on the story of a life and death.
After lunch we will drive (91 kms) eastward to join Tashigang. We cross the road in the Kori (2450 m) and go through the villages of Yadi and Dramist. We make visits to villages and weaving centers in the region of Rangjung, with a little hiking. District Tashigang is the most populous of all Bhutan.
Overnight at hotel Tashigang.

Day 16 ( 21st November;2015); Trashigang Tshechu.
After breakfast we will drive to attend the 3rd day Trashigang festival. we will witness the unfurl of the Throngdrel (big Thanka ) of Neten Chudrug (sixteen Arharts ) followed by the mask dance. We will get the blessings from the big thanka and wish for.
We will also explore on the culture of the brokpas of Merak Sakten and oth-er local people who are attending the festivals. We will enjoy the beauty of the different dresses and ornaments that people wear for this festival.

Day 17 ( 22nd November;2015) Trashigang Tshechu

After breakfast we will drive to attend the 4th day Trashigang festival. we will witness the unfurl of the old Throngdrel (big Thanka ) of Guru Tshen-gay ( A big Thanka of eight Manifestation of Guru Rimpoche ) with the per-formance of Guru Tshengay cham or dance after that. We will get the blessings from the big thanka and wish for. In the evening we will explore on the towns and other places of Trashigang.

Day 18 ( 23rd November;2015) Trashigang to SamdrupJongkhar

After breakfast we will drive 180 Km south and reach Samdrup Jongkhar which is the boarder area to the south east. On the way we will visit a weav-ing center in Khaling. Overnight in a hotel in Samdrup Jongkhar.

Day 19 ( 24th November;2015) SamdrupJongkhar to Guwahati
Samdrup Jongkhar to Guwahati flight to Delhi Exit formalities of Bhutan, then drive to the city of Guwahati, the capital of Assam, formerly called Pragjyotishpura (eastern city of light) on the south bank of the Brahmaputra.
Tashigang Tshechu:

The dzong was built in 1651. It was built to defend the province from the ti-betan attacks that were launched from Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh.

Every village in the district has its own annual festival but the main and an important is held in Trashigang Dzong from 7th to 11th day of the tenth month of the Bhutanese calendar. The tshechu is attended by the brokpas of Merak-Sakten, the Khenpa community and people from SamdrupJongkhar, Pema Gatshel and Trashi Yangtse.

The monks perform ceremonial ablution or thrue before the tshechu begins. 1st day is rehearsal in preparation and on the 2nd day the tshechu is being performed. On the Third day the Throngdrel (big Thanka ) of Neten Chudrug (sixteen Arharts ) is unfurled amidst of flurry of mask dance. On the final day, the old Throngdrel of Guru Tshengay is displayed ( A big Thanka of eight Manifestation of Guru Rimpoche ) with the performance of Guru Tshengay cham or dance.

Mongar Tshechu:

Mongar in eastern Bhutan is largely known as the Bastion of the Zhon-garps, after the illustrious Dzongpons of Zhongar that played significant role in the history of Bhutan. One can still see the ruins of the Zhongar Dzong next to the highway in Lingmethang before reaching Mongar.
The new Dzong was built in 1953 and it is the centre of administration where all important decision are taken and the residence of the monk body of Mongar Dzongkhag. Mongar Tshechu is the most exciting annual festival held for 3 days, beside many local festivals.
SlNo.No of personCost of the TourNo. of NightsOffers
12 Person$ 9000/-18 nights and 19 days Nil
24 Person$1800018 nights and 19 days Nil
35 Person$22,000 /-18 nights and 19 days Visa Free
410 Person$4000018 nights and 19 days Visa Free / Tour leader free trip in Bhutan
515 Person$65000/-18 nights and 19 days Visa Free
Tour leader free trip in Bhutan
Free Airfare from Delhi to Paro.

Applicable Airport Taxes.
Accommodation with all meals in 3 star hotels and on trek.
Transportation during the Tour as well as on trek.
Professional guide, driver chauffeur, cooks, waiters.
Mineral water throughout the Trip.
Royalty and taxes
Travel Insurance charges and other emergencies fee.
Cost of foreign exchange for personal expenses;
Expenses of personal nature, personal trekking aids, mini bar in the room,
Laundry, telephone bills, tips, gratuities etc.
First Aids Kids (personal)
Surcharges applicable during Conventions, Special Events and Trade fairs.

West-East Tour (Paro Tshechu)

Nature of program: Cultural Tour: Complete crossing from west to east visiting all the im-portant places, Monastries, lhakhangs, and very important historical places. Festival Tour: Paro Tshechu starts from 31st March 2015 till 4th April 2015. It is held in Paro Dzong with the mask dance perf

Thimphu Tshechu

One of the biggest festivals is the Thimphu Tshechu, held in the capital city for three days starting from 10th day of the 8th month of lunar calendar. Before the actual tshechu that is being witnessed by thousands of people from the capital city and the nearby Dzongkhags, days and nights of prayers

Wangdue Tshechu

Wangduephodrang in central Bhutan is known for the Lozeys or the ornamental speeches. Some of the notable lozeys are the sorrows of Gaylong Sumdar Tashi, who was sent as a monk and that of Pemai Tshewang Tashi who served as an official at the Dzong. The Dzong serves as the administrative centre and

Punakha Tshechu

Punakha is located in the western part of Bhutan and it is the winter home of Chief Abbot of Bhutan, the Je Khenpo. Punakha played great importance in the history of Bhutan during the time of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel in 17th century. Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal is known as the unifier of Bhutan as a

Trongsa Tshechu

Trongsa, the sacred and the temporal heart of the country is a two days journey from Thimphu. Situated in central Bhutan and once the seat of power over central and eastern Bhutan, both the first and second kings of Bhutan ruled the country from this ancient seat. All four kings were invested as Tro

Lhuntse Tshechu

Lhuentse is one of the easternmost districts in Bhutan that borders with the autonomous region of Tibet. It is the ancestral home of our Kings and hosts a number of important and sacred monuments. The most important amongst others is the Dzong that sits majestically on a ridge overlooking the Kurich

Thimphu Domchen, Wangdue Tshechu, Gangtay Drubchen & Tamshing

Background of the program 1. Thimphu Domchen : The 5th day of the 8th month of the Bhutanese calendar is marked as Thimphu Domchen. It is the day when the dance of the Palden Lhamo ( The deity of Bhu-tan )is shown to the public after a month of religious performance inside the lhakhang by the C

West-East Tour (Ura Yakchoe)

Nature of program: Cultural Tour: Complete crossing from west to east visiting all the im-portant places, Monastries, lhakhangs, and very important historical places. Ura Yakchoe: Ura Village in Bumthang is known for the famous dance known as the Ura Yakchoe. During the festival a sacred and

West-East (3 Festivals in Bumthang)

Nature of program: Cultural Tour: Complete crossing from west to east visiting all the im-portant places, Monastries, lhakhangs, and very important historical places. Jambay Lhakhang Festival: One of the most spectacular festivals in the country. The festival lasts for five days. The highlight


Paro Tshechu: ( Festival ) Paro Tshechu starts from 10th day till the 15th day of 2nd month of the Bhutanese calendar. It has a sin washing mask dances and the dramatisation of the life and death performed by the monks to entertain and educate the people. Paro is the most beautiful valley of the c


Bhutan is the Himalayan kingdom replete with myths and legends, where the best of traditional culture thrives and the latest global developments are enthusiastically embraced. Our tour starts from the west Bhutani.e Paro and ends at the same. We will make a cultural tour in the west and attend the


East to west Tour: Bhutan is an independent country lies between India and China. It is the buddhist country and also the Gross National Happiness country. Our tour in Bhutan starts extremely from east (Samdrup Jongkhar) and ends in the west ( Paro). Chorten Kora: Chorten Kora was built in 17